An initiative to build community-based leadership that will help define a Milwaukee water
future grounded in stewardship, equity, and community-wide involvement.
One of our flagship programs, Water School engages community members in a year-long commitment to the watersheds of Lake Michigan and the Milwaukee River Basin. We explore how water moves through our communities and how our individual actions impact the health of our waters. Each year, the program collaborates with neighborhood leaders ages 16 through adult from five partner sites. We take part in a process that includes water education, cross-community relationship building, art-making and team project development.
The five Water School teams (each comprised of five team members) then receive a mini-grant to develop and implement a neighborhood-based water stewardship project that brings new knowledge home to others in their communities and addresses a particular water challenge to promote community health, equity, economic development and justice.
By partnering directly with neighborhood organizations, we cultivate water leadership throughout the city and help cement the value of water stewardship in all of our participants and the work they do. We assist each individual project site by providing education, support and financial resources so emerging water leaders can work toward positive solutions to locally identified problems.